Well as i said its not at all important whether you win or lose .....the only thing that matters is whether i win or lose.....lol....
In this post I will be aberrating from the previous ones.... I have planned it to be a funny and a didactic one ......I hope I ll be successful after all only thing i can do is to HOPE for the best
Beginning with a short verse on HOPE(self-constructed My sincere apology if any mistakes)
All tell " Hope for the best
while taking a test
but I yell " hope is a zest
for you can see the rest
though small a word
mightier than a sword
In order to be a lord
carry HOPE on board
Well many of you might have started thinking Why in the hell this guy is bloviating with his verses .... You ll know why i posted this after grazing through the article completely
Readers actually bifurcate at this juncture
Yea coming to our main topic .....Success in life....
How can one be successful? First we ll have to reframe the question as How can I be successful...Don't start cerebrating now we all know every one has got 1.36kgs of flesh in the belly of our skull.. Yea speaking of brains we try to answer this simple question Is success related to Brains ? Nope i don think so... as one of my friends says if success was to be juxtaposed only with the cognoscentis then where comes Mr.George Bush who in reality has this whole world standing between him and the intelligentsia.....
So Brain factor is winnowed out from this contest thanks to Mr Bush :-)
Next we discuss the luck factor........Luck : When i looked up Word Web for its actual meaning I came up with this : An unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another .... Not to go deep into that meaning we move further........
they say luck is a lady .... I wonder why they actually brand that way since Luck also possess characteristics of a Man for eg: ephemeral possession of a Girl, Favoring the comely ones
etc etc.....ok whatever it has been doomed to be referred as a lady so one cant change it ....leave t
Never ask a successful person about the luck factor since you might get a reply as
" luck ? ... I don't give it a f**k.." albeit receiving loads of it in the process to succeed...You cant blame him coz Luck in addition to everything has a peculiar habit of favoring those who never depend on it .....so we also eliminate the Luck factor too..
Hard work... can it vie in this contest ? yea of course it can.... In fact as the well known saying goes HARD WORK can lead you not to success but very near them.... many of life's failures r people who didn't realize how close they were to success wen they gave up......then what in the hell can lead me to success ? .... Answer is an eight letter word called ATTITUDE.....
Right attitude can lead you to right places .... so never give up in life ... at last i realized that I must inculcate a never-say-die attitude within myself... Am gonna do the easiest thing in this life which is advising you all .... Which is grokking the fact that We are like Tea bags,whose true strength comes out when we are put in hot Water..
So When Problems upset You,
just think,You must be God's Favorite cup of Tea...
So like an hydrogen atom says " I am positive that an electron left me....." always see the see positive side of life
Living on Earth is expensive,but it does include a free trip around the sun every year ..... Nice quote isn't it ? yea.....Don't make success a destination rather peregrinate across it as a journey ...Everything will be alright the end , if it is not alright its not the end so keep vying and trying....
the following lines are especially to those who believe in LOVE ........
" Love yourself ,Flirt with your understanding, Romance with dreams,Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuineness,Be intimate with _____ (thats of course with your wife ) Divorce the ego...Thats Good Life..."
Yea How about this post for a didactic one ......? yea must have been ..... now to those people who think everything above is absurd yea it is absurd..... so what have I got in store for you guys and gals .... Yea... i have got loads for you too.....
I usually admire people with come what may attitude so I can say I admire myself...many close to me may ridicule the statement for which i don't give a damn ....yea....see my come what may attitude is manifested here....lol.....
People of that sort can go to such extremes as May this world fall why should I give a damn ... I can relate this kinda attitude with this funny line " Your face my ass watz the difference? "
" that was hilarious" was the comment i got from one of my friends ... sure it was......and still more to come..
I see a lot of people wearing T-shirts with mirthful carvings on it ..... yea actually this trend no matter wherever it was adopted from,but is proving out to be quite a popular one here ....striplings of urban origin are potential victims of this trend along to go with their renunciation of teetotalism..... they in reality define Reality in a more realistic sense ..... Perplexed ? Here it Goes according to them
Yea great way of looking at things is it not ? ..... every one has their own view point.....after all
"opinions are like ass****s, everyone has one " coming to smoking ...... yea another infectious cult clutching the hands of the adolescent youths ...they too are perfect epitomes of how to think differently....esp the fact how they justify themselves about the injurious nature of the habit out of which they literally cant come out ....they believe that ..." Smoking destroys the part of your life where in you are devoid of all your abilities to succeed "
So to people who think motivation is all crap....how about this for motivation ......... Don't care about tomorrow since it may not come ..... Yesterday is already gone...... " TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ." so live for today ...... don't care a damn about anything....Just move on .....develop an attitude which i initially stated " Its not at all important whether you win or lose .....the only thing that matters is whether i win or lose"
PS: now for that poem you can think for yourself i guess ....it has nothing to do with the article .i just posted it to show people how horrible am at poetry ..