Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Save Indian Grads

"SIG"- thats her name or thats what Cibi told me .....yea.....i must be quite a sincere student not knowing the name of the staff member who is actually handling us a theory sub...... whether its her bad luck or mine tat i am stuck, forced to open my ears virtually to her sermon.... " Directional couplers .....
Isolators.... Suneeth's a** etc.. etc...will definitely not make me fascinated or enthralled .....So i ask myself Why in the hell am warming the benches ? ...why should i see suneeth's face in hers every time i pretend to listen ? ..... There is only one magical word as the answer.....which is "ATTENDANCE"...so right from first sem its been my attendance which is forcing me to step into these f****** or s****** or what eva classes one might call it.....

By now you all must have got a clear picture of suneeth's image if not him as a whole....As a fellow class mate i dont have any personal vengeance with him or sorts ..jus tat his attitude makes ppl like me and all the more my fren Mukundh flummoxed at the same time annoyed too ... i herd from sources tat he has jus bunked a paltry six hrs right from day one of college.....My god...!!! its comes around jus two times of the number i have bunked......
but every week since first day ......
phew ...!! quite a lot isnt it ?

suddenly i dropped my pen and heard the staff calling out " ATTENDANCE is very important this sem...."which made me murmur " YOU MORON THATS WHAT WE ARE FOR " Sad that i am not in a college where i can utter those words candidly.... but now and then i assuage myself by commenting stuff like that abt any staff member or any rule imposed by the university.....So as a final year student i can only utter these words to my friends ....



PS: This is actually an excerpt from my article written in Optical communication class in my seventh sem to be more precise with details......


Kumar Raja said...

ha..ha..very funny..nice dig on MIT rules..

Janani Swaminathan said...

lol.. get us the details of that article..