No one to coddle my yen,
Nothing to suck from my ken,
Almost dropping my pen,
Alas i found its 12 ten .
Date : 29-08-2007
Time: 12:05 pm
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Save Indian Grads
"SIG"- thats her name or thats what Cibi told me .....yea.....i must be quite a sincere student not knowing the name of the staff member who is actually handling us a theory sub...... whether its her bad luck or mine tat i am stuck, forced to open my ears virtually to her sermon.... " Directional couplers .....
Isolators.... Suneeth's a** etc.. etc...will definitely not make me fascinated or enthralled .....So i ask myself Why in the hell am warming the benches ? ...why should i see suneeth's face in hers every time i pretend to listen ? ..... There is only one magical word as the answer.....which is "ATTENDANCE" right from first sem its been my attendance which is forcing me to step into these f****** or s****** or what eva classes one might call it.....
By now you all must have got a clear picture of suneeth's image if not him as a whole....As a fellow class mate i dont have any personal vengeance with him or sorts ..jus tat his attitude makes ppl like me and all the more my fren Mukundh flummoxed at the same time annoyed too ... i herd from sources tat he has jus bunked a paltry six hrs right from day one of college.....My god...!!! its comes around jus two times of the number i have bunked......
but every week since first day ......
phew ...!! quite a lot isnt it ?
suddenly i dropped my pen and heard the staff calling out " ATTENDANCE is very important this sem...."which made me murmur " YOU MORON THATS WHAT WE ARE FOR " Sad that i am not in a college where i can utter those words candidly.... but now and then i assuage myself by commenting stuff like that abt any staff member or any rule imposed by the university.....So as a final year student i can only utter these words to my friends ....
Isolators.... Suneeth's a** etc.. etc...will definitely not make me fascinated or enthralled .....So i ask myself Why in the hell am warming the benches ? ...why should i see suneeth's face in hers every time i pretend to listen ? ..... There is only one magical word as the answer.....which is "ATTENDANCE" right from first sem its been my attendance which is forcing me to step into these f****** or s****** or what eva classes one might call it.....
By now you all must have got a clear picture of suneeth's image if not him as a whole....As a fellow class mate i dont have any personal vengeance with him or sorts ..jus tat his attitude makes ppl like me and all the more my fren Mukundh flummoxed at the same time annoyed too ... i herd from sources tat he has jus bunked a paltry six hrs right from day one of college.....My god...!!! its comes around jus two times of the number i have bunked......
but every week since first day ......
phew ...!! quite a lot isnt it ?
suddenly i dropped my pen and heard the staff calling out " ATTENDANCE is very important this sem...."which made me murmur " YOU MORON THATS WHAT WE ARE FOR " Sad that i am not in a college where i can utter those words candidly.... but now and then i assuage myself by commenting stuff like that abt any staff member or any rule imposed by the university.....So as a final year student i can only utter these words to my friends ....
PS: This is actually an excerpt from my article written in Optical communication class in my seventh sem to be more precise with details......
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
ItS Not iMpOrtant WhEther YoU wIn oR LOse
Well as i said its not at all important whether you win or lose .....the only thing that matters is whether i win or
In this post I will be aberrating from the previous ones.... I have planned it to be a funny and a didactic one ......I hope I ll be successful after all only thing i can do is to HOPE for the best
Beginning with a short verse on HOPE(self-constructed My sincere apology if any mistakes)
All tell " Hope for the best
while taking a test
but I yell " hope is a zest
for you can see the rest
though small a word
mightier than a sword
In order to be a lord
carry HOPE on board
Well many of you might have started thinking Why in the hell this guy is bloviating with his verses .... You ll know why i posted this after grazing through the article completely
Readers actually bifurcate at this juncture
Yea coming to our main topic .....Success in life....
How can one be successful? First we ll have to reframe the question as How can I be successful...Don't start cerebrating now we all know every one has got 1.36kgs of flesh in the belly of our skull.. Yea speaking of brains we try to answer this simple question Is success related to Brains ? Nope i don think so... as one of my friends says if success was to be juxtaposed only with the cognoscentis then where comes Mr.George Bush who in reality has this whole world standing between him and the intelligentsia.....
So Brain factor is winnowed out from this contest thanks to Mr Bush :-)
Next we discuss the luck factor........Luck : When i looked up Word Web for its actual meaning I came up with this : An unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another .... Not to go deep into that meaning we move further........
they say luck is a lady .... I wonder why they actually brand that way since Luck also possess characteristics of a Man for eg: ephemeral possession of a Girl, Favoring the comely ones
etc etc.....ok whatever it has been doomed to be referred as a lady so one cant change it ....leave t
Never ask a successful person about the luck factor since you might get a reply as
" luck ? ... I don't give it a f**k.." albeit receiving loads of it in the process to succeed...You cant blame him coz Luck in addition to everything has a peculiar habit of favoring those who never depend on it we also eliminate the Luck factor too..
Hard work... can it vie in this contest ? yea of course it can.... In fact as the well known saying goes HARD WORK can lead you not to success but very near them.... many of life's failures r people who didn't realize how close they were to success wen they gave up......then what in the hell can lead me to success ? .... Answer is an eight letter word called ATTITUDE.....
Right attitude can lead you to right places .... so never give up in life ... at last i realized that I must inculcate a never-say-die attitude within myself... Am gonna do the easiest thing in this life which is advising you all .... Which is grokking the fact that We are like Tea bags,whose true strength comes out when we are put in hot Water..
So When Problems upset You,
just think,You must be God's Favorite cup of Tea...
So like an hydrogen atom says " I am positive that an electron left me....." always see the see positive side of life
Living on Earth is expensive,but it does include a free trip around the sun every year ..... Nice quote isn't it ? yea.....Don't make success a destination rather peregrinate across it as a journey ...Everything will be alright the end , if it is not alright its not the end so keep vying and trying....
the following lines are especially to those who believe in LOVE ........
" Love yourself ,Flirt with your understanding, Romance with dreams,Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuineness,Be intimate with _____ (thats of course with your wife ) Divorce the ego...Thats Good Life..."
Yea How about this post for a didactic one ......? yea must have been ..... now to those people who think everything above is absurd yea it is absurd..... so what have I got in store for you guys and gals .... Yea... i have got loads for you too.....
I usually admire people with come what may attitude so I can say I admire myself...many close to me may ridicule the statement for which i don't give a damn ....yea....see my come what may attitude is manifested
People of that sort can go to such extremes as May this world fall why should I give a damn ... I can relate this kinda attitude with this funny line " Your face my ass watz the difference? "
" that was hilarious" was the comment i got from one of my friends ... sure it was......and still more to come..
I see a lot of people wearing T-shirts with mirthful carvings on it ..... yea actually this trend no matter wherever it was adopted from,but is proving out to be quite a popular one here ....striplings of urban origin are potential victims of this trend along to go with their renunciation of teetotalism..... they in reality define Reality in a more realistic sense ..... Perplexed ? Here it Goes according to them
Yea great way of looking at things is it not ? ..... every one has their own view point.....after all
"opinions are like ass****s, everyone has one " coming to smoking ...... yea another infectious cult clutching the hands of the adolescent youths ...they too are perfect epitomes of how to think differently....esp the fact how they justify themselves about the injurious nature of the habit out of which they literally cant come out ....they believe that ..." Smoking destroys the part of your life where in you are devoid of all your abilities to succeed "
So to people who think motivation is all about this for motivation ......... Don't care about tomorrow since it may not come ..... Yesterday is already gone...... " TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ." so live for today ...... don't care a damn about anything....Just move on .....develop an attitude which i initially stated " Its not at all important whether you win or lose .....the only thing that matters is whether i win or lose"
PS: now for that poem you can think for yourself i guess has nothing to do with the article .i just posted it to show people how horrible am at poetry ..
Sunday, May 6, 2007

The wonder boy of Brazil has soon emerged as a superstar in the European arena.His enchanting charm both on and off the field is driving people crazy.Be it a commercial or on the footballing field people will just pay to watch him perform as he always make their money's worth
There are very few occasions when his defense splitting passes doesn't end up reaching the back of the net or his long range effort misses the target.Skill,speed,technique,dribbling,shot accuracy ....he has it all.He just can take on any number of defenders of any class any time he likes....Above all he brings a passion for this game along with him that makes him so likable.Even the most cynical soccer fan would like him.His trademark celebration of pointing his hands to the heavens speaks loads about his attitude towards the game and he plays the game exactly it has to be played and thats why he is so special...Though being relatively young at this level he has achieved immense results and carries AC Milan entirely on his shoulders whenever they set foot on the field...
Ricardo Kaka is an ideal mid fielder in the modern scene and I will not be surprised to see him feature in any of the best XI chosen at this point of time...He tops the goals chart in the UEFA champions league and no wonder Milan has reached the finals of the tournament to be held later this month.Every admirer of kaka would hope Milan to take revenge against Liverpool for what happened two years back in Istanbul where Liverpool pulled a victory from nowhere in the finals of the same tournament in spite of Kaka's heroic efforts that evening....He almost single-handedly finished Manchester United off in the semis this year and me being a Milan fan enjoyed each and every bit of it..
Friday, May 4, 2007
Days After the Draggy world cup

First we will look at these words....vibrant,vivacious,gravitas etc...These words had nothing to do with this world cup except the fact that the WC lacked their meanings and below is one reason that stand s out in my opinion as the first and foremost reason for the WC being like what it was ...
"Sachin Rahul Sourav "-THE PUISSANT INDIAN MANTRA once again proved this cricketing world that it only justifies the Apothegm that they are the "TRIO WITHOUT BRIO"..Many of us might argue that Sachin- the greatest batsman ever to set foot into the cricket field,Rahul- the great wall of India ,Sourav-Mother of all comebacks etc...but we have to accept facts like Sachin is past his prime,Rahul is not a propelling skipper,Sourav is not given his metier (which we all know is leading a side),Yuvraj still a rising star..
Give me one reason for India's early exit from the WC....
This question though has become a cliche these days but people are still trying to answer this...who is culpable at this point of time ? the coach ? captain ? well the answer lies no where outside except within the team itself..Only thing that could commiserate many of you (not me though) is the fact that Pakistan too suffered the same fate. After the early demise of the campaigns of two of my favorite teams,World cup started to stare down at the barrel both commercially and mentally.The saddest part is that Television companies,The ICC , The distributors incurred huge losses just coz of the fact INDIA didn't do well,but nothing can be done thats the way it stands...
Again the F****** Aussies emerged victorious in the end and moreover thats what matters most....Winning is a habit they say.. I don know when Indians will inculcate that habit and I cant see that happening in the near future.
One of my friends told me this
" Its better to be a football fan than a cricket fan as the hours that we watch India losing is not doing anything good rather frustrating us even more whilst watching football involves only one and half hours "
well when we go deep into these lines we can find the amount of frustration that is instilled in each and every fan's mind ...but ultimately when India plays for the next time,again everyone will start cheering the team irrespective of their poor performances in the past....Well thats the power of the game rather a religion in its own right..Cheers and Jeers are the best two words that can describe the plight of the Indian team when they finish a competition or a match for that matter...
When You Win you don't think about losing and its effects but only when you lose you realize how important winning is .People might say winning isn't everything participating is more important but people don't remember you for your participation...Winning is what you ll be remembered.
Not to go too much into philosophy i will better get back on track
Ok its time for me to sleep..Its already 00:56 hrs on MAY the 5th 2007 and I have an appointment with TOBY MCGUIRE at Sathyam cinemas next morning.Talking about the world cup,you may think its a late outburst but at least its better late than never...
Friday, January 12, 2007
MIT - Reliving 4 semsters........
Well i know this isnt a great topic to post .........but do read it........
MIT(Massachusetts Institute of technology) - The name says it all . A great institution , No 1 in the world, bla bla bla......yu all might be knowing the above info but i ll give yu a not-so-great fact abt the name.... yu can also say this is a disgrace to this institution .....i.e this institution shares its name with a/an _______ institution located in chrompet,chennai, india..
(the space is left blank for yu to fill in after reading abt this chennai-based instituion)
Having earned the reputation of being the 2nd best institution/college in tamil nadu (if not the best) based on its performance and the quality of students it has been producing for the past decade, MIT so called Madras institute of technology,founded by Mr Rajam in 1949 offering four technological courses namely Electronics , Automobile , Aeronautics and Instrumentation , has shown a steady decline in its quality of education and and the quality of teaching......Prior to the Affiliation with Anna university in 1978,MIT produced great enginneers in the likes of K.B Chandrashekar , Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam etc etc ... Though the standard of this institution has suffered a great catastrophic collapse over the years but i still wonder how the quality of students getting intromitted into this institution has never shown even a minutest of decline? ...........May be thats coz of the impregnable reputation it had earned during its evergreen years.......... This institution has always had the previllege calling itself a constituent college of this famous university ever since 1978 albeit its poor state during recent years...
Sadly i was one of the many victims who fell into this irevertible trap of choosing this college at the time of Engineering admission counselling took me jus two days to actually find out wat to expect in the next four years.......Seriously the things that were to follow were abysmally staring right at my face...... The tag ' Anna univ' always accompanies this college which i think is the best thing tat this college ll be proud of at this juncture...
I was very much eager and was really waiting for my coll life to experience a serious kick-start but
the whole scenario toppled in jus a weeks span.........But having commited a serious blunder in choosing this college , i had to cope with the disappointments that the college had in store for me in the coming weeks ........
Where to start? and wat to tell ? ..... shud i say abt the dismal state of our campus or the not-even-minimum-bearable ambience tat our canteen offers to those who get drivenback from our monotonous coll mess from the mere smell of it or the ever-closed students store (which is called the co-operative store i haven found wats so co-operative abt it till date) or the abandoned health centre (whose legitimacy is non-pareil ) ? i seriously wonder were to start with .........
" Oh MIT ? i have never herd of this name b4 " was the reply i got from a local resident wen i was on my way to this college for the first time in my life.........Our college ,arguably the smallest college in T.N,( i havnt been to many colleges but i can bet my life on this ) is located in the suburb called chrompet lying in the out skirts of chennai ..... sickening fact is tat the areas encircling the institution has developed at a rapid pace over the years but the coll hasnt.....It has got a railway station and even a bus stop very close to its gates.....still not known by many in and around chrompet......
Bein a neophyte at MIT , i din know much abt wat and wat not to do in this institution ...... First few weeks at MIT was somewat fascinating albeit the college wasnt jus coz i got in touch with many new frens....disappointed with the coll's aesthetic value i tried to shift my focus on academics which i have been doin well all thru my life since time unknown....I was somewat happy with the instructors we were forced to study under ........ And wat more? I really got impressed and enthralled by our English professor Mr Elango ..if the not the same excitement , i was satisfied with the other subject coordinators to an extent...... After a long vacation since the board exams i thought,with the present quality of instructors ,i should be able to bring back my form in academics without any hiccups.....everything went well till the secon assesments as one wud expect....but latter half of my first sem saw me bunking a lot of classes, some intentionally and some due to ineluctable circumstances , tats the time i realised tat i went unnoticed for bunking.....which was a blessing in disguise as i was used to the punishments for late coming and scool bunking........I completely lost interest in Engineering drawing and cudnt even manage to fold the drawing sheet according to the accepted norms...Getting caught for exchanging drafters during an exam,very irresponsible in completing weekly assignments,caught in the wron books of a Prof(He who must not be named) didnt help my course at all rather instilled fears in myself abt the prospects of the subject in the final exams .... But burning the mid night oil for completing my assignments and studying for the exam made sure i escaped with a decent B in tat...... I was satisfied if not overly delighted with my grade of 8.6 which was supossed to be a decent score in MIT ...... I wasn overly upset as my performance slackened as the first semester progressed, on the whole wen i look back at my first sem i wud consider myself as a happy man .......
The year tat is regarded as the turning point in one s career , the one which saw my board exams,saw me getting enrolled in MIT , the one in which i got a tase of coll life ..... came to an end alon with my first semster .........
Second semster followed soon after the first with not much of a break ........ breathing space was very less .....and the fact tat this sem was a 7 subject sem which included two of my dept subjects was doin no good to my conjested coll life ......and as one wud expect...more subjects more leeway for bunking classes ...secon sem was even worse than the first wen it came to bunking .....Bunked, co-bunked ,mass bunked and did wateva i could in a span of those three months .....i was delighted to have got a bunking partner and still remains one in the name of Cibi (one of my best buddies at MIT ) ..we started looking down upon classes with disdain as the quality of our instructors din match up to our expectations......I remember vividly we never found ourselves in campus on thursdays esp during the afternoon sessions ......... Well even sems in our coll are always breezy as they were filled with lots of dept festivals and of course the main even The MITAFEST... the highlight of the secon sem next only to my bunking was MITafest........I enjoyed all its 4 four days ....which included sleep overs , night outs , and lots and lots of fun .....
Coming to academics ,it was no better slipped up many a time but atlast managed an 8.3 which was again decent ........
After a long and eventful summer vacation I entered my 2nd year ........with a Cgpa of 8.45 tagged to my name i used to compare my twelfth and my first year....lots of glaring vagaries......but i couldnt help it and consoled myself saying tat it was a process of evolution .....
Third year was a well spaced and well planned since the no of classes came down with the no of credits......i was a bit disappointed as i couldn bunk as many classes as in 2nd sem but having got the reputation as the 'bunk-king' among my frens i didn spoil my reputation ... pushed the limits to the maximum extent possible tat one of my instructors called me over and literally implored in making me attend her last class ..(which if i had failed to i wud have been in trouble)......I was very courteous to her by attending sem was no better in the quality of instructor we were forced to cope with ..... I later realsied theres no point feeling for this and put it behind my shoulders considering it as my destiny .......The staff failed to inculcate the habit of studyin in me which wasn a surprise but i tried to develop it myself and worked towards it but only to drop it after my first assesments as i became complacent with the scores i got in my first assesnments.. and as usual flunked in the secon series of with a decent internal score i could manage nothing more than a decent score of 8.4.......
2006 ! ..I entered new year with high hopes of ameliorating my academic standards ...but i din know tat my 4 th sem wil turn out to be one nightmare of a sem ........As it was an even sem it was so breezy and quick and days passed like minutes......and i encountered my biggest hurdle with the name of Random process and variables not coz i was weak in tat but the staff debilitated my capabilities in tat subject.....with the range of my internal marks i was consternated with the type of grades i ended with ......Not even a single coordinator spared me .everyone showered their disgrace on me ....E in Maths! .....i have never even tot of it in my life...despite doin most of the damage I wudn blame the staffs alone ......part of the blame was within me.... well 4 th sem is one period i ll have to forget soon ........the disgraceful gpa of 7.4 stared at me and i started questioning my abilities......the disappointment hovered the rest of my vacation passed .........
- to be continued ........
MIT(Massachusetts Institute of technology) - The name says it all . A great institution , No 1 in the world, bla bla bla......yu all might be knowing the above info but i ll give yu a not-so-great fact abt the name.... yu can also say this is a disgrace to this institution .....i.e this institution shares its name with a/an _______ institution located in chrompet,chennai, india..
(the space is left blank for yu to fill in after reading abt this chennai-based instituion)
Having earned the reputation of being the 2nd best institution/college in tamil nadu (if not the best) based on its performance and the quality of students it has been producing for the past decade, MIT so called Madras institute of technology,founded by Mr Rajam in 1949 offering four technological courses namely Electronics , Automobile , Aeronautics and Instrumentation , has shown a steady decline in its quality of education and and the quality of teaching......Prior to the Affiliation with Anna university in 1978,MIT produced great enginneers in the likes of K.B Chandrashekar , Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam etc etc ... Though the standard of this institution has suffered a great catastrophic collapse over the years but i still wonder how the quality of students getting intromitted into this institution has never shown even a minutest of decline? ...........May be thats coz of the impregnable reputation it had earned during its evergreen years.......... This institution has always had the previllege calling itself a constituent college of this famous university ever since 1978 albeit its poor state during recent years...
Sadly i was one of the many victims who fell into this irevertible trap of choosing this college at the time of Engineering admission counselling took me jus two days to actually find out wat to expect in the next four years.......Seriously the things that were to follow were abysmally staring right at my face...... The tag ' Anna univ' always accompanies this college which i think is the best thing tat this college ll be proud of at this juncture...
I was very much eager and was really waiting for my coll life to experience a serious kick-start but
the whole scenario toppled in jus a weeks span.........But having commited a serious blunder in choosing this college , i had to cope with the disappointments that the college had in store for me in the coming weeks ........
Where to start? and wat to tell ? ..... shud i say abt the dismal state of our campus or the not-even-minimum-bearable ambience tat our canteen offers to those who get drivenback from our monotonous coll mess from the mere smell of it or the ever-closed students store (which is called the co-operative store i haven found wats so co-operative abt it till date) or the abandoned health centre (whose legitimacy is non-pareil ) ? i seriously wonder were to start with .........
" Oh MIT ? i have never herd of this name b4 " was the reply i got from a local resident wen i was on my way to this college for the first time in my life.........Our college ,arguably the smallest college in T.N,( i havnt been to many colleges but i can bet my life on this ) is located in the suburb called chrompet lying in the out skirts of chennai ..... sickening fact is tat the areas encircling the institution has developed at a rapid pace over the years but the coll hasnt.....It has got a railway station and even a bus stop very close to its gates.....still not known by many in and around chrompet......
Bein a neophyte at MIT , i din know much abt wat and wat not to do in this institution ...... First few weeks at MIT was somewat fascinating albeit the college wasnt jus coz i got in touch with many new frens....disappointed with the coll's aesthetic value i tried to shift my focus on academics which i have been doin well all thru my life since time unknown....I was somewat happy with the instructors we were forced to study under ........ And wat more? I really got impressed and enthralled by our English professor Mr Elango ..if the not the same excitement , i was satisfied with the other subject coordinators to an extent...... After a long vacation since the board exams i thought,with the present quality of instructors ,i should be able to bring back my form in academics without any hiccups.....everything went well till the secon assesments as one wud expect....but latter half of my first sem saw me bunking a lot of classes, some intentionally and some due to ineluctable circumstances , tats the time i realised tat i went unnoticed for bunking.....which was a blessing in disguise as i was used to the punishments for late coming and scool bunking........I completely lost interest in Engineering drawing and cudnt even manage to fold the drawing sheet according to the accepted norms...Getting caught for exchanging drafters during an exam,very irresponsible in completing weekly assignments,caught in the wron books of a Prof(He who must not be named) didnt help my course at all rather instilled fears in myself abt the prospects of the subject in the final exams .... But burning the mid night oil for completing my assignments and studying for the exam made sure i escaped with a decent B in tat...... I was satisfied if not overly delighted with my grade of 8.6 which was supossed to be a decent score in MIT ...... I wasn overly upset as my performance slackened as the first semester progressed, on the whole wen i look back at my first sem i wud consider myself as a happy man .......
The year tat is regarded as the turning point in one s career , the one which saw my board exams,saw me getting enrolled in MIT , the one in which i got a tase of coll life ..... came to an end alon with my first semster .........
Second semster followed soon after the first with not much of a break ........ breathing space was very less .....and the fact tat this sem was a 7 subject sem which included two of my dept subjects was doin no good to my conjested coll life ......and as one wud expect...more subjects more leeway for bunking classes ...secon sem was even worse than the first wen it came to bunking .....Bunked, co-bunked ,mass bunked and did wateva i could in a span of those three months .....i was delighted to have got a bunking partner and still remains one in the name of Cibi (one of my best buddies at MIT ) ..we started looking down upon classes with disdain as the quality of our instructors din match up to our expectations......I remember vividly we never found ourselves in campus on thursdays esp during the afternoon sessions ......... Well even sems in our coll are always breezy as they were filled with lots of dept festivals and of course the main even The MITAFEST... the highlight of the secon sem next only to my bunking was MITafest........I enjoyed all its 4 four days ....which included sleep overs , night outs , and lots and lots of fun .....
Coming to academics ,it was no better slipped up many a time but atlast managed an 8.3 which was again decent ........
After a long and eventful summer vacation I entered my 2nd year ........with a Cgpa of 8.45 tagged to my name i used to compare my twelfth and my first year....lots of glaring vagaries......but i couldnt help it and consoled myself saying tat it was a process of evolution .....
Third year was a well spaced and well planned since the no of classes came down with the no of credits......i was a bit disappointed as i couldn bunk as many classes as in 2nd sem but having got the reputation as the 'bunk-king' among my frens i didn spoil my reputation ... pushed the limits to the maximum extent possible tat one of my instructors called me over and literally implored in making me attend her last class ..(which if i had failed to i wud have been in trouble)......I was very courteous to her by attending sem was no better in the quality of instructor we were forced to cope with ..... I later realsied theres no point feeling for this and put it behind my shoulders considering it as my destiny .......The staff failed to inculcate the habit of studyin in me which wasn a surprise but i tried to develop it myself and worked towards it but only to drop it after my first assesments as i became complacent with the scores i got in my first assesnments.. and as usual flunked in the secon series of with a decent internal score i could manage nothing more than a decent score of 8.4.......
2006 ! ..I entered new year with high hopes of ameliorating my academic standards ...but i din know tat my 4 th sem wil turn out to be one nightmare of a sem ........As it was an even sem it was so breezy and quick and days passed like minutes......and i encountered my biggest hurdle with the name of Random process and variables not coz i was weak in tat but the staff debilitated my capabilities in tat subject.....with the range of my internal marks i was consternated with the type of grades i ended with ......Not even a single coordinator spared me .everyone showered their disgrace on me ....E in Maths! .....i have never even tot of it in my life...despite doin most of the damage I wudn blame the staffs alone ......part of the blame was within me.... well 4 th sem is one period i ll have to forget soon ........the disgraceful gpa of 7.4 stared at me and i started questioning my abilities......the disappointment hovered the rest of my vacation passed .........
- to be continued ........
Monday, December 4, 2006
How the Donkey Became.........
HI guys and gals,
First to inaugarate this blog iam gonna write few
lines abt my self...........
well i was born on 25 th january 1987 ...... the best
thing abt that day is
that it was a sunday ..........i dont know the exact
place in chennai but i know the exact time twas 11:38
am .........while whole of india was waiting for the
next day's sunrise to celebrate another republic day
while i was awaiting my first ever sunrise .........
well.........then not to go deep in to my birth and
early days .........
the first three years i cudnt remember exactly wat all
happened .....
then i was put in scool ...........
surprisingly there was an interview to select the
students entering into LKG
and as wud one expect i passed the interview .....and
got an admission into the scool named BHAKTHAVATSALAM
VIDHYASHRAM located at korattur , a developing area
durin that time ....
JUNE 20 1990 saw my first day at scool ..... and more
surprisingly even the first day of the scool
.........i and the scool had the same opening day
we were the first set i.e to get intromitted in LKG
i was actually allocated the "D" section ...... under
the invigilation of a fair , beautiful instructor
named Ms Madhumathi .........well to tell more abt her
she was a fine,loving,teacher,and had a soft corner on
me ...........
LKG gave me a new playground were i cud play around
with my emotions and feelings ..........
i was an active student be precise a proactive
student one cud force me to be static
then i had my new friends ..........with the names of
sreevatsan ,mahesh,ambar that time i never
thought the first two wud go on and becom my best
so LKG paved way for UKG .................another year
passed by .........
and the evergreen jaunt continued .........
then so on ......... first second third werent that
great .........
as i entered the fourth standard .........there wen i
found my real interests .........
i was really fond of maths.......... puzzles and
problems are part and parcel of my life till date
later in the same year i realised i was really good at
quizzing ...........wen i was crowned the winner of
the MAGGI QUIZ for the primary wich teams
from city's top scools participated .............
not to forget i was partnered with a guy who was a
year senior to me named JOY JITH RAY
well stepping into the fifth was no big deal
again like in fourth i was put in the same section C
so getting the reputation as a good quizzer ......i
moved further in to quizzing arena not excluding even
a single quiz wich was upto my grasp .........
sadly i didnt win the MAGGI QUIZ for the second time we were elimimated in the semi finals of the
tournament second only to chinmaya vidhyalaya.on that
day .............
so i was very dejected and the disappointment hovered
me for a few days and then everyything was back to
normal ...........
meanwhile i was also taking part in maths competitions
...........and winning some of them ...............
so our scool had a system like......cycle tests i.e
weekly tests upto class 5 and
from sixth onwards regular scheme of exams like the
mid terms quarterlies ,half yearlies ...........
so entering into the sixth wich was like entering into
a new world eventhough i was in the same scool and
with the same set of friends .....
sixth being the first year of secondary scool had many
unknown tests waiting for me ...........
the mid term series of tests arrived ..........and i
surprised every one(even myself) by getting the first
rank in that tests ...................well after the
first mid term test there wen my downfall started and
i had to croos my two biggest hurdles called
ENGLISH and HINDI took me 8 years
to realize taht i was weak in these languages
well i cud say sixth as an eventful we
had these small clashes and fights between close
friends and often ended up in tears durin the reunion
then after a small slip up in my studies in sixth i
entered seventh wich i didnt know wud be the most
fascinating year .of my scool life ................
seventh is one of the best years i hav ever had til
date .........
seventh was the year were i got closer to all my
friends ................seventh was the year we formed
gangs .........and as expeted with anyother gang
...........became the most notorious class in the
scool ...............
from there on were ever i went the brand name came
along side me .............
seventh also saw my academic improvement but leaving
alone the subjects ENGLISH AND HINDI ..............
i enjoyed a lot during my seventh esspecially wen i
got the friends hip of SREEVATSAN and Prashanth
we use to call ourselves the trio .........loitering
together wereever we went ......
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